Cafe24 Moyamoya Face

Cafe24 Moyamoya Face (카페24 모야모야 Face) is a bold and cute Korean font courtesy of Cafe24, a global e-commerce platform from South Korea. It’s a blocky font mainly constructed with vertical and horizontal strokes, with occasional thin slanted strokes to connect the thicker strokes. The unique design feature of this font is usage of emoji faces on some of the letters with counters like the one with “O” shapes. The surprise appearance of the faces can really brighten up the letters.

Cafe24 Moyamoya Face is a free font and can be used for commercial projects freely without pretty much any restrictions as it is licensed under SIL Open Font License.


  • Free for personal and commercial projects
  • Released under SIL Open Font License
  • Using any of Cafe24 fonts in your creative artworks may be used for Cafe24 promotions
  • Selling of the font is prohibited


Font Download Page

To download, visit the page and look for the block as highlighted below (The hint is to look for the font’s English name). Click on the grey button to download the font. You may use browser’s translation feature to make it easier for you.

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